Monday, January 18th 2010
Australia is known for its beer, its bar-bies, kangaroos, koalas and lovers.
Lovers? Well, maybe that’s not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Australia but, according to a recent Australian report, the country is hot to trot thanks to advances in hearing aid technology. Yep, all that doving and cooing has to be heard to have the desired effect, and if you can’t hear it, well, you’re missing out on some fun – and maybe missing out on some love, as well.
How Hearing Aids Turn Your Sex Life Around
The news comes from an opinion poll conducted among 300 Australians who use hearing aids to address hearing loss of varying degrees. The numbers are pretty self-evident:
* More than 50% of respondents believe that hearing aids have improved their social lives. (That’s a good start. VERY good start.)
* 66% of those who took part in the poll revealed that their hearing aids helped them to better; more easily connect with family and friends.
* 70% of responders live with their partners so hearing aids make a good thing even better.
Hearing aids improve sex life
Treating hearing loss has impact on love life survey says
* One in 10 poll takers reported improvement in their sex lives. (Whoopie!)
* 84% reported easier communications with loved ones.
* 75% stated that their loved ones no longer had to shout to be heard (nothing like shouting “sweet nothings” at your sweetie to set the mood, eh?)
* Not a single respondent reported any negative effects of hearing aid use to their social activities.
The report, conducted by The Galaxy Research for Deafness Forum, makes it pretty clear that hearing aids have a dramatic impact on overall quality of life – and living life to the fullest.
Marriage and Hearing Loss
The two do NOT go together like a “horse and carriage.” In fact, when a family member experiences hearing loss it has an impact on all the other members of the family. It’s not just about you. It’s about the impact your hearing loss has on loved ones.
A British study clearly shows that hearing loss has a negative effect on even the happiest of marriages. It’s not a love thing. It’s an ear thing.
* 44% of British respondents report hearing loss had a negative impact on their marriages.
* 69% report that hearing loss made them less able to engage in family activities.
* 34% of those involved in the study report losing contact with friends.
* Almost half stated that hearing loss is the worst part of growing old.
The Emotional Impact of Hearing Loss
People with unaddressed hearing loss are less likely to engage in social activities and when they do, they enjoy them less.
So do other family members. Let’s face it, shouting to be heard kinda takes the fun out of having fun, don’t you think? But it goes deeper than just having fun.
Those who experience hearing loss grow more and more isolated, even from those with whom they live. In turn, this isolation leads to depression, anxiety and stress in the home – the one place where we should all feel at ease. But when a family member denies that s/he has experienced hearing loss (46% of us), there’s a ripple effect that impacts every member of the family, friends, co-workers and the people we meet and greet on the street – our neighbors.
Hearing Aid Technology to the Rescue
Hearing aids improve marriage
So, hearing loss can be a downer if left untreated and numerous studies back that up. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with hearing loss and neither does your family. Today’s hearing aid technology delivers features that were unimaginable just a few years ago.
Today’s hearing aids are digital computers designed to improve the quality of life and the quality of love in any home. Here’s how.
Hearing Comfort
Today’s hearing aids deliver a more natural sound. Many employ open ear technology to allow for the most natural hearing experience you can get.
No more compressed, processed, tinny sound. Today’s hearing aids deliver the full range of sounds, improving quality of life for you and everyone you know.
Wearing Comfort
Today, hearing aids come in a variety of styles, from completely-in-the-canal (CIC) to newly designed compact behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids that present a discrete profile.
You choose the type of hearing aid that delivers the most comfort to suit your hearing needs and your preferences.
Automated Convenience
No more fiddling. No manual scroll wheels to boost or lower the volume. Today’s ear computers are designed to be hassle-free, programmed to fit your hearing needs in a variety of listening settings.
Advanced features that were once only available in the most expensive hearing aids now come standard even at entry level pricing. For example, automatic feedback suppression comes standard (to stop whistling), directional microphones (to reduce background noise) and noise reduction to name a few. The most sophisticated hearing aids now actually “learn” what your listening preferences based on adjustments you make and consequently adapt overall settings to your liking. Hey, let the machine handle it. You got better things to think about.
Total Connectivity
Looking to stay connected to the wireless world? Today’s hearing aids have you covered. Many hearing aids are now available with Bluetooth streamers, meaning you can connect your hearing aids to wireless devices so output is streamed directly to your hearing aids for optimal sound quality and listening abilities.
Or you’re a landscaper who works up a sweat before lunch. No problem with today’s water and corrosion resistant hearing aids. Go ahead, work. Hard. You’ll hear just fine.
There are hearing aids to suit any occupation, any life style, and any love life. Yep, that’s right. Those hearing aids may just bring back the zip that’s been missing. Who knows, maybe she’s been dropping hints for the past two years.
You just couldn’t hear them.
So if not for you, then consider treating your hearing loss for your loved one and your love life. A guaranteed sound investment.
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